AI-Driven Real Estate: Buying and Selling in the Cloud with an AI Architecture

AI-Driven Real Estate: Buying and Selling in the Cloud with Artificial Intelligence

Connor MacIvor

Podcast Description:
In this episode of AI-Driven Real Estate, we explore how artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology are transforming the way properties are bought, sold, and valued. Discover how AI-powered systems are revolutionizing real estate transactions—from virtual home tours to automated loan approvals and appraisals. Whether you're an investor, homebuyer, or real estate professional, this episode will provide insights into how AI-driven tools can streamline property searches, improve accuracy in valuations, and accelerate the entire buying process. We also discuss the role of AI in ensuring security and transparency in transactions.

Tune in to learn how AI can empower you to make smarter, data-driven decisions and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of real estate. Don't miss out on this exciting look at the future of real estate, where AI and automation take center stage in reshaping the industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • How AI is automating real estate transactions
  • AI’s role in property valuation and market analysis
  • Virtual home tours and remote purchasing powered by AI
  • Enhancing real estate security and transparency with AI-driven tools
  • The future of real estate: buying, selling, and investing with AI

Join us as we dive deep into how AI is revolutionizing the real estate industry!

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Connor MacIvor this is gonna be a video channel about AI as integrates with real estate what's important about that is how it impacts all of us if you're a real estate agent how it's gonna impact you and then if you are just a general consumer maybe wanting to buy or sell real estate how it's going to affect you and then big picture where's this gonna take us in the future is it gonna be the case where online only you can go look at a property even get into what it smells like through some kind of technology that becomes developed but right now with what we have drones are possible complete video capture is possible uploaded in an immediate rate you can go through and you can look at the property you can schedule different inspections you can do your research on the areas demographic schools all of that is very very concise and can be offered via some online system that's built through artificial intelligence that information is critical in the home buying process so in the future not only now is a real estate buyer potentially to be able to do research on purchasing residential real estate or is a real estate agent like me how to best embrace AI and use it for the betterment of our business to help our clients deduce everything and all issues and reference to whatever real estate they're gonna be selling or purchasing or whatever it may be being able to do it on that platform plus then the larger worldview of how AI is going to impact the real estate buying process I really do envision a day where a person would be able to see a home online and actually walk through and have the smells and everything else associated with the residence once they get through it then easily they'll be able to make a determination and a decision be able to open up drawers and cabinets looked under sinks actually look under the house if it happens to be on a race foundation and of course you can do all the exterior views with drones and have a drone that's been assigned to that particular residence and have that purchase or that buyer take the drone for a ride and of course there would be levitations to where the drone goes outside the property what it can view though be some kind of Xeno wall or something that's gonna limit the view from the camera from that particular drone to be able to be seen but for the particular property itself absolutely can go outside in fact maybe as a precursor instead of maybe a drone having that exterior video or photographic footage that's actually larger than the current real estate photography model that's out there being offered in the general matter Porter these kind of walkthrough virtual tours but besides that then getting pre approved for a loan very quickly they'll do a complete credit run employment verification everything available very simply and then from that deducing what the offering strategy is going to be having the communication with the person or whatever is representing the buyer at that particular moment and also the seller and having those two kind of as it was back in the day get together and have a virtual meeting of sorts with clients lenders real estate agents and making the transaction happen in a virtual zoom online top sense which is gonna take us back to where we were back when I first started real estate back in the 90s that is how real estate happened where the buyer would look at the property of course VNH and as we currently do it today for the most part there are some systems that are trying to do it virtually but they are running into issues with that in some cases but there's more about that in the future these are all small kinks so that'll probably be eventually worked out how it was is they would basically look at the real estate listing they would like it they would talk to their agent their agent with them given an offering scenario and then those parties would all kind of meet together you would have the lender to be able to work out everything you would have the seller in the buyer then after that you had those hard target type inspections where you needed a professional on the ground and interacting with that professional would have been critical as a home buyer we'll probably have that in some way shape or form maybe an open channel or actual videotape rolling at the time the inspector inspector is doing their inspection and then that feed coming back to the buyer you know if you're gonna do it with police officers those other professionals out there it's not a bad thing it's just accountability and if you're not worried about doing a bad job if that's part of your credo that you wanna take care of your client then why not be on camera so you as the home inspector is part of a home buying process utilizing artificial intelligence go all the way through and then of course to the closing and getting the keys all of this can be handled by a few different entities out there again could be mail could be drone drop could be these other things but watching how artificial intelligence is already when it comes to me for me to publish content for example I do utilize AI not so much in the writing of the content I have the idea I want to put together the script but it doesn't hurt to have a second set of eyes on it that carry a higher IQ level than I do I'm not gonna get it in that number but again it's nice having somebody to bounce that off of especially if you preform at it that AI was some things about you and your business and what you stand for in those sorts of things the most important thing or three and I'll give you these as we open the channel with this first video the first thing is artificial intelligence the world is going to be moving into this area so if you are not prepared as Mogodwant I'm probably slaughtering that name but he's very much big in the AI space and also the human space but he does talk about three items and I'm maybe condensing them removing from what he means by them but let me tell you the way that I see it first thing is artificial intelligence No. 1 is that that's going to move us into a whole different entity ladies and gentlemen we actually just created something that is smarter than us besides having all the world's information has access to it at a moment that's difficult to Trump we can get into arguments about consciousness and everything else whether it's a real life whether it's not whether it's gonna take over whether we're gonna have a lot of hard times before the utopian good times probably all of that but it is a real thing so AI is number one No. 2 truth understand this while AI is great there are some hallucinations some information that sometimes it gives that is not correct very far from being the truth and that's something that your diligence is going to need to research you're watching this channel you're wanting to build this mega real estate empire you're looking for that guidance you know very important is gonna be security and safety from a standpoint from a home buyer because their personal and private information that's gonna be going online and while we do a lot of that online to purchase real estate with basically very little human interaction in that process besides the real human seller real human buyer but the other parties of that process besides being management overseers making sure that everything's being happening happening correctly really all of that can be pretty much offered up in some kind of an online system if you're gonna take something like medicine and be able to automate that and legal world the attorney world and be able to automate that more than likely real estates gonna be something might not be a might not be so soon because of what we have to look at where you're buying real estate walking around it kicking the dirt touching the walls feeling the carpet that's very very important but I don't know how many times that has to happen in the process at least once now if that once could be coordinated with everybody else being there including the appraiser it'd be nice for a buyer to be able to talk to their appraiser the appraiser that's working for the lender usually you don't see that at a transaction but maybe that's something that this AI real estate could open up one of the other things I will talk about No. 3 and so first we have AI then we have truth make sure that what you're seeing with regard to AI before you put it out there and attach your name on it make sure it is the truth I've seen some very interesting things come across when I'm asking AI for particular particular things to be able to offer statistics being one not that it's lying on purpose but however it came up with a solution was definitely not correct so I have to go through that so look at artificial intelligence start to understand it is going to be with us I don't see how it's gonna go away and the fastest country to get it to get that artificial general intelligence get that solved is going to be probably the world leader for a very long time so I know everybody's rushing and that's part of the reason why there's not a lot of safety mechanisms being put on cause if we start to make it safe here some other country isn't and they're gonna go forward and sometimes people look at putting a restriction on something even in some area of it that we all know is bad could limit its production the third thing I'll get into that right now No. 3 is going to be humanness do not forget the human component we are human you can break it down by race and gender and religion all that other fancy crap you wanna get into it but ultimately we're human and we might have just created our master so let's be careful I hope you enjoy the channel we will talk more about this in the future I'm Connor Mcgiver we'll see you on the next one if you have any tips topics anything you'd like explored on this channel more than happy to entertain it I have quite a list of shows to put together and again this is gonna help those people out there that are looking to purchase real estate sell real estate and of course you agents out there such as me be able to use AI to amplify and enhance our current business maybe making us a few IQ points smarter I'll talk to you soon be well