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Moderation is not really the way you should be treating your health

Connor MacIvor

Moderation is Your Problem!

Here’s the hard truth: Moderation is often the excuse that keeps us trapped in cycles of addiction—whether it's alcohol, drugs, or food. People love to say, “everything in moderation,” but for some of us, moderation is the very thing holding us back. When it comes to drinking, drugs, and food addictions—especially processed foods—moderation can be the ultimate deception.

  1. Alcohol: Moderation sounds good on paper, but it’s a slippery slope for those who struggle with addiction. One drink turns into two, then three, and soon moderation becomes excess. For many, there is no "just one drink." Trying to moderate something that controls you is like trying to outrun a shadow—it’s always right there behind you. When I quit alcohol, I knew I couldn’t play the moderation game. I had to walk away completely to reclaim my health and clarity.
  2. Drugs: Similar to alcohol, drugs can grab hold of your life, and the idea of moderate use can be just as damaging. Moderation implies control, but addiction thrives on the illusion of control. You convince yourself that you’re in charge, but the substance has already claimed that authority. The only way to win is to opt out entirely. No more games, no more half-measures—just a complete commitment to living substance-free.
  3. Food Addictions: Food can be as addictive as any drug. For those of us who’ve struggled with weight and food addiction, moderation is just another lie we tell ourselves. Processed foods are engineered to be addictive, filled with sugars, salts, and fats that trigger the brain's reward center, much like drugs. "Just a little bit" often spirals into overeating because these foods are designed to make you crave more. Moderation is a trap that keeps us hooked, and the only way to break free is to cut them out completely.
  4. Processed Foods: Processed foods are another enemy disguised in the cloak of convenience. Moderation with processed foods means you're still consuming additives, chemicals, and unhealthy ingredients that keep your body inflamed, bloated, and craving more junk. Processed foods are a slow poison—they gradually build up and wreak havoc on your system. They contribute to inflammation, weight gain, and a host of other health issues. The only way to truly protect yourself is to minimize or eliminate them from your diet altogether. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourish rather than deplete.

Why Moderation Fails Us:

Moderation relies on willpower alone, and willpower is a finite resource. It ebbs and flow

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